Principal’s Welcome
ExploreTogether we seek to learn, seek to connect, seek to grow. Seek Beyond.
Aldinga Payinthi College is situated within the Fleurieu Peninsula near the spectacular coastal location of Port Willunga and Aldinga. Nestled amongst the scrub, wetlands, aquatic reserve and businesses of Aldinga the design also ensures the College has a strong connection the Willunga and Sellicks Hills zone.
The site name was chosen to acknowledge our place within the Aldinga community, our aspirations as a b-12 college and to recognise our First Nations people through the use of the Kaurna word Payinthi.
The college is a contemporary learning environment in which the physical setting is integral to the learning process. It is an innovative and exciting place, offering families education and care for their children and young people from birth to year 12 with a focus on diverse disciplinary and interdisciplinary learning that is aligned with the Early Years Learning framework (preschool), Australian Curriculum (R-10) and SACE (11 &12).
Our contemporary pedagogical approach incorporates this through a focus on curriculum that supports integrative learning, purposeful play, problem solving and a commitment to oral language. Our college pillars of Inspire, Connect and Belong shape our Way of Being and consider how we relate to each other, meet the aspirations of our community, and design our learning.
Thank you – Kaurna
Clayton Disley