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Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning

Learners are engaged in integrative learning through a curriculum which focusses on authentic issues centred on learners’ interests and developmental stages. The understandings and capabilities developed through explicit instruction are applied through meaningful experiences to develop novel ideas and propose solutions to issues related to the local and global community.   

Continuity of learning and consistency of practice from birth to year 12 guide the learning experiences to ensure that all children and young people learn and progress. Our purposefully built premises support our vision for an innovative centre where learners are inspired to learn, are connected to their learning, each other, and the community, and develop a sense of belonging and pride.  

At Aldinga Payinthi College, the teaching and learning of the eight Australian Curriculum learning areas occur through an integrative approach, focussing on authentic opportunities centred on learners’ interests and developmental stages. Opportunities are provided for deepening learning through answering big questions, exploring issues, and solving problems. 

Further information about this approach can be found in our Kumangka: Coming together as one to learn booklet. 

Further information about our pedagogical approach can be found in our Pedagogical Framework booklet and Curriculum Documentation and Reporting Guideline.