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Daily Timetable

Daily Timetable


The college’s timetable and daily structure have been developed to support and enhance approaches to teaching and learning implemented at the college as outlined in the Pedagogical Framework b-12 and accompanying documents.  

The timetable reflects the Department for Education’s Organising the school and preschool year, closure days and early dismissals procedure and the Curriculum, pedagogy, assessment and reporting: early childhood services to year 12 policy for mandated and recommended time allocations for learning areas.  

Local school and preschool bell times, bus routes, traffic reports and community feedback were taken into consideration for times of day. Consultation with families and community was undertaken and endorsed by the college’s Governing Council. 

As a b-12 site, the daily structure is an important element in supporting staff and learners from all learning communities to connect. As a result, times of day are consistent across the week. For primary and secondary learning communities, the college day begins at 9:10am and ends at 3:25 pm. For the preschool learning community, the times are 9:10am to 3:10pm. 
