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Vocational Education and Training

Vocational Education and Training

What is VET?

Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are nationally accredited qualifications delivered, assessed, and certified by registered training organisations (RTOs) that provide opportunities for learners to connect with industry, focus on relevant training and acquire skills and knowledge at industry standards.

VET qualifications count towards the completion of SACE and, in certain Certificate III qualifications, the calculation of an ATAR for university entrance. VET Certificate II courses are undertaken in year 11 and gain Stage 1 SACE credits. VET Certificate III courses are generally undertaken in year 12 as part of an apprenticeship or traineeship training contract and gain Stage 2 SACE credits.

At Aldinga Payinthi College, learners in year 11 and year 12 pursuing a career pathway can access a range of VET courses through the Southern Adelaide and Fleurieu Secondary School Alliance (SAFSSA).  

SAFSSA VET courses

The VET courses align with the Department for Education identified Flexible Industry Pathways (FIPs) in which they offer subsidies to learners to complete qualifications in areas considered to be strategically important to the economy in terms of job growth and skills shortages.

The flexible industry programs (FIPs) include:

Learners may need to travel to the delivery sites to access the VET training.


VET @ Payinthi 

Although we work across an alliance and learners can choose VET courses at a variety of schools, Payinthi will be offering (dependent on meeting enrolment caps) the following VET courses. 

  1. Early Childhood Education and Care
  2. Hospitality
  3. Commercial Cookery
  4. Information Technology Cybersecurity

For further information please contact Sally Vaughan, Leader of VET and Careers Pathways or Amanda Baldock Head of Senior Years.

How do I enrol in VET?

Through subject counselling and discussions with your Connect teacher, the Leader of VET and Careers Pathways and Head of Senior Years, learners can plan their VET studies to complement the SACE subjects on offer at Aldinga Payinthi College.

You will need to complete an Expression of Interest Form to enrol into VET courses within the Southern Adelaide and Fleurieu Secondary School Alliance (SAFSSA).  All VET courses are applied for via an online application system called “VETRO” (VET Readiness Orientation) which is supported by the VET Coordinator.

Fees for approved VET courses are heavily subsidised by the State Government, and costs to families are reduced. Fees are outlined in the VET course subject descriptors and a commitment to pay will be issued at time of enrolment. Further information can be confirmed with the Leader of Career and VET Pathways.

Applications are submitted in Term 3, and learners notified of their success in Term 4. It is a requirement of all “VETRO” courses that learners complete a Language Literacy and Numeracy Assessment to ensure that learners’ diverse needs are catered for.

Individual training providers also have their own enrolment forms that will need to be completed and submitted as the enrolment process is finalised.

What about a School-based Apprenticeships and/or Traineeships (SBAT)

From the age of 15, learners may, if they wish, enter a part-time school-based apprenticeship or traineeship while still at school. This allows learners to complete SACE while, at the same time, commencing an apprenticeship or traineeship and then, on completion of Stage 2, transition straight to work. The minimum work requirement for these Australian School Based Apprenticeship (ASBAs) is one day a week but, in year 12, if you have completed all the compulsory aspects of SACE, you can participate in a Flexible Apprenticeship/Traineeship and more work days can be negotiated per week.

The following link can be used to learn more about school-based apprenticeships and traineeships:

Workplace Learning

Workplace learning supports learners to gain exposure to the world of work, make career decisions and gain employability skills. Workplace learning covers work placement programs including structured workplace learning and work experience.  

Work experience is where learners take part in a short-term industry placement, giving them exposure to and an awareness of the world of work, and potential career pathways. Work experience will be undertaken by year 10 learners at Payinthi in one scheduled week during term 2,  and can also be undertaken in school holidays or in negotiation at another time.

Structured work placement is linked to VET programs where learners undertake on the job training as part of the course requirements.

The Workplace Learning Agreement Form, including the WHS checklist, must be completed and signed by all parties and returned to the VET/Pathways Coordinator one week prior to commencing workplace learning, work experience and or structured work placement. The Workplace Learning Agreement Form must be processed prior to commencement of work placement.

Career Pathway Resources

Pathway information is structured within Payinthi learning sessions including specific links to Belong and year 10 SACE subject, Emerging Identities and Futures (EIF).  During these learning sessions, learners will explore occupations, complete career, and personality quizzes, find out about relevant industries and the labour market, explore apprenticeships and traineeships and connect with industry for work experience and employment opportunities. The following websites provide further information:


 For further VET information

We encourage you to talk with your Connect teachers and the Head of Senior Years, Amanda Baldock or Leader of VET and Careers Pathways, Sally Vaughan about options.